Torah Display
TORAH DISPLAY This installation of a Czech torah rescued from the Holocaust is both a memorial and an educational display. The torah is protected by a custom mount, behind a pane of plexiglass. The plexi is selectively frosted so as to reveal particular features and...Torah Crowns
TORAH CROWNS Traditionally, torah crowns (rimmonim) parallel the alternating bells and pomegranates on the hem of Aaron’s priestly robe. The motif of the hollow bell and the bursting pomegranate can be seen to represent two states of mind, one of selflessness and one...Torah Ark
TORAH ARK Commissioned for a new outdoor chapel at an overnight camp, this ark celebrates its relation to the natural elements. Shimmering metal leaves on the ark doors catch the light at different times of day, acknowledging the passage of time. They are loosely...
Sukkah II
SUKKAH II Sukkah II is inspired in form and concept by the aesthetic of the Japanese tea hut. The principles of simplicity, austerity, irregularity, and impermanence found in that tradition echoes the ideals of the sukkah, a place of humility and openness to nature....
Ner Tamid I
NER TAMID I This eternal lamp is inspired by the idea of light representing the divine presence–perceptible, yet unknowable in form and origin. Here, the light source is hidden within the branches; one sees only reflections on the hammered brass column. The lamp...Mezzuzah: Museum
MEZZUZAH: MUSEUM This donor wall is inspired by the tabernacle in the desert. Built from donations from the entire people of Israel, the tabernacle defined and symbolized the community’s coherence. This composition weaves together the past (vertical staffs that echo...
Ner Tamid II
NER TAMID II This eternal light was commissioned for a newly-renovated sanctuary in a Modern Orthodox synagogue. The design of the lamp provides direct and reflected light, sparkling through the golden brass ribbons. A single light source provides ever-changing...